847373 SE Globale und lokale Aspekte der Architektur

Wintersemester 2017/2018 | Stand: 04.11.2017 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Globale und lokale Aspekte der Architektur
SE 2

Erwerb von vertieften Kenntnissen zur Bearbeitung der Entwurfsaufgaben in gewählten Themenbereichen

Synergetic Formations

Sustainable Stadia Design for the Winter Olympics


Olympic winter games have in recent years come under heavy criticism for their increasingly detrimental economic and ecological impact, resulting in environmental damage, infrastructural over-capacities, and over-sized decaying sport venues. As a consequence, the city of Innsbruck was debating an Olympic bid for 2026, strongly shifting the focus away from gigantism and on a much more environmentally sustainable approach, trying to minimize the ecological impact on its alpine landscape.

While the region is most certainly not short of excellent locations for the major outdoor events, Innsbruck as a host city however lacks adequate indoor venues such as an Olympic stadium, ice skating rinks, speed skating tracks and ice hockey facilities. In Innsbruck's Olympic bid it was therefore proposed to hold these events across Austria and in neighboring countries, a strategy that seemed sustainable, but would have considerably increase traffic, travel, commute and organizational complexity throughout the region.

While all plans for Innsbruck's Olympic bid 2026 were rejected in a public vote most recently, the need for innovative strategies for a more sustainable, ecological, integrated, synergetic, and true-to-scale conception of sport venues remains a global challenge.

This year's seminar Globale und Lokale Aspekte der ArchitekturSynergetic Formations will therefore challenge the traditional approach to sport venue distribution by investigating novel compact, synergetic and integrated formations of winter sport venues and their auxiliary programs, thus questioning the prevailing related typologies. Innsbruck with its specific contextual needs and its history of large scale sport events will serve as the testing ground for these investigations.

The logics of genetic algorithms (such as Grashopper's evolutionary solver Galapagos) will be used to test and evolve novel conceptual ideas and to develop innovative solutions to specific design optimization problems, which students will identify in the first phase of the seminar.

Instructors: Robert Neumayr with Moritz Findler

Beurteilung aufgrund von regelmäßigen schriftlichen und/oder mündlichen Beiträgen der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer.

Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen

Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.

Anmeldung zu den Katalog M-Fächern: 
Es können max. 10 Präferenzen gesetzt werden, maximale Anzahl der Zuteilung: 5 Lehrveranstaltungen. Die Zuteilungen erfolgen am 22.9..

Am 23.-25.9. werden jene Lehrveranstaltungen der Katalog M-Fächer bei Bedarf nochmals geöffnet, die noch über freie Kapazitäten verfügen.

07.11., 14.11, 21.11.,28.11., 5.12., 12.12.17, 10.01.18; je 11.00 Uhr, Institut